
The beautiful weather has given us a head start. Let's hope Jack Frost doesn't pay us a visit.

Friday, April 15, 2011


I am getting impatient at how long it is taking for spring to come. It is only 2 today. I remember last year giving my mother a huge bouquet of hyacinths for her birthday this time  last year. So far the only flowers up are a couple of sad little crocus. I can only hope things turn around soon. My fingers are a itching to plant.
The good news is everything I have started in the greenhouse is going like gangbusters. The ground cherries should be another bumper crop and I even started another weird berry this year. It is called a sunberry. It was very easy to start from seed. The package said 50 seeds and I came out with 81 plants. Thank-you veseys'
My tomatoes are very healthy too. I am even growing beefsteak this year. I am not a fan of the large tomatoes, but we had so many requests I couldn't ignore it. So next time I blog I will give a full list of what to expect this year and how you can get your hands on some of our very tasty veggies and fruit.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

stupid cat

Well my cat has destroyed about a hundred plants. I had them planted in one of those plastic flats. Well three of those plastic flats. How can such a cute little thing be so destructive?
So my parsley, chamomile and basil will not be as plentiful as I hoped. He took his little paws and dug for all he was worth. At least he didn't use it for what I thought he might have used it for. If you know what I mean.
Today should be a gorgeous day so I will try and spend as much time outside as possible. The task of cleaning up the garden is not so bad if you take it row by row. The kids usually help too. Of course I am using air quotes around the help, but they do learn something every time and someday that may come in handy. Free labor is hard to come by.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Long Time No Type

Well I wanted to keep on top of this blog and it is proving to be harder than I thought. It has been a busy spring. I will say busy but satisfying. I am so excited to be entering our second and very glad that I don't have almost an acre of sod to lift up. Weeds don't seem so bad after that.
This winter we lost our greenhouse to a very nasty wind storm. It turn itself totally inside out and left us nothing to salvage.
We have two temporary greenhouses I am using this year, but we are quite excited to have a permanent structure built in the fall. My Dad is going to design and build it so I know it will last.
I am going to take some pictures of our seedlings and send some info about this season's crops. We have switched things up a bit having learn a ton from our mistakes and successes.
So far I can report that Vesey's has come through again and my seedlings are coming like gangbusters. Almost too well. Planting extra always make sense, but when things come so well you start to run out of room it kills me to throw away perfectly goos plants. Next year we shouldn't have that problem as our greenhouse will be big enough to grow into. More later